Polk Township’s Hell Hollow Bridge Project was recognized at the 36th Annual PSATS Convention on April 23, 2108 with a 2017 Bridge Safety Improvement Program Award. The award was presented by the PA State Association of Township Supervisors, the PA Department of Transportation and the PA Highway Information Association.
The Hell Hollow Culvert was an undersized, 30 year old, 8′ metal culvert in Dotters Creek-a high quality cold water fishery stream. The hydraulic inadequacy caused flooding of the roadway on a frequent basis, becoming more severe each time. On three occasions large portions of the roadway and guide rail had been destroyed. Each repair required 5 days of the road crew hauling road fill, rip rap and resetting gabion baskets to stabilize the bank around the culvert.
The completion of the project alleviated many concerns, primarily the safety of residents. The Township will also save a significant amount of time, material and machinery not having to make repairs. The project was completed in November 2017.
The project was funded in part by a Local Share Account for Monroe County grant through the Monroe County Industrial Development Authority.