Pittston, PA – For the second year in a row, Northeastern Pennsylvania has ranked
in the Northeast Metro Areas Top 10 in Economic Development.
The Governor’s Cup Awards, produced annually by Site Selection Magazine, records the top regions in the United States based on completed economic development projects.
Penn’s Northeast compiled and submitted a list of all projects that met the criteria as outlined
by the publication.
“This is a competitive process that takes place across the country every year,” said Penn’s Northeast President, John L. Augustine III. “Our strategic location, reliable utilities, and dedicated workforce coupled with an amazing education network makes our region stand out amongst many other areas of the country. The results show that Northeastern Pennsylvania continues to be a top location in the United States for companies looking to grow their business” added Augustine.
Conway Data, the world’s oldest, most comprehensive economic development consulting firm, produces a bi-monthly expansion planning publication called Site Selection.
The award-winning magazine is recognized as the leading publication in corporate real estate, facility planning, location analysis and foreign direct investment.
Site Selection Magazine’s subscriber network of more than 40,000 consists of key decision makers that are integrally involved in site location decisions for new and expanding facilities for their corporations and clients.
Penn’s Northeast is a public/private partnership whose goal is to attract quality employers to Northeastern PA and enhance the region’s economy through new investments, and job creation.
For more information about Penn’s Northeast, visit www.pennsnortheast.com or call 1.800.317.1313