PMEDC strives to facilitate enhanced quality of life, increased wealth and quality job opportunities through planned economic development activities.
The Pocono Mountains Economic Development Corporation has four primary goals:
The Pocono Mountains Economic Development Corporation is made up of three separate, but mutually supportive, organizations:
Pocono Mountains Industries, incorporated under Pennsylvania’s Non-Profit Corporation Law approved May 5, 1933 (P.L. 289) and operates as an industrial development agency under the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Act (73 P.S. 301-314). PMI is the Certified Economic Development Organization (CEDO) in Monroe County.
Monroe County Industrial Development Authority, incorporated under the Industrial Development Authorty Law approved August 23, 1967 (Act. #102).
Pocono Mountains Industrial Park Authority, incorporated under the Pennsylvania Municipality Authority Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended (53 P.S. 301 ff).
Pocono Mountains Industries, Inc., (an Industrial Development Corporation) its predecessors and affiliates have been in the business of economic development since the mid-1950’s. Over the years, the organizations have shared many of the same directors. In the 1970’s, the organizations consolidated under one board of directors created primarily to take advantage of the various funding programs including Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority loans and the Industrial Revenue Bond Program. The organizations also have an extensive history in the development and sale of industrial property. The first park, now known as the Crowe Road Industrial Park was begun in the late 1950’s and was completely sold out before the early 1970’s. The park is still home to seven industries that employ more than 1,000 people.
In the early 1970’s, Pocono Mountains Industries purchased 360 acres to develop a new park (the Pocono Mountains Business Park) adjacent to the largest general aviation airport in the area. In order to develop this property, a water and sewer system were constructed with the help of the United States Economic Development Administration (E.D.A.) and to this day is operated and maintained by PMI’s sister corporation, the Pocono Mountains Industrial Park Authority.
Phase I of the park houses seven companies that include NFI Logistics, Continental Auto Parts, JPA Masonry, Mount Pocono Coca-Cola, Monadnock Non-Wovens, Moritz Embroidery Works and Ailya Chemical Corp. These companies together employ approximately 250 people.
In 1990, land was purchased for a second phase of this park. United Envelope Corporation currently employs almost 300 people at this location. Geisinger Medical Group built a facility here and employs about 50 people. Most recently Summit Aerospace and Solstice Sleep Products located in the park and employ almost 100 people. There are approximately 104 acres of property remaining and for sale in Phase II of the park. The park is now known as the Pocono Mountains Corporate Center South.
The New Millenium
In 1999, Pocono Mountains Industries acquired the property in Coolbaugh Township known as Senda (the former Worldwide Church of God convention site) located between Routes 196 and 611. After an extensive master planning process, it was decided that the 247 acres will be developed as the Pocono Mountains Corporate Center East. Later that year, the former Camp Tegawitha property, a 600+ acre tract was also acquired and developed as the Pocono Mountains Corporate Center West. In March 2007,Johnson & Johnson Sales and Logistics Company LLC became the first company to locate in the park. Additional industrial-zoned land is still available and can be found by searching in the “Site Selector” feature on this website.
Pocono Mountains Industries and the Monroe County Industrial Development Authority continue to be Monroe County’s conduit for state financing and incentive programs and the lead economic development organization.