In response to COVID-19 and the overwhelming number of business closures across Pennsylvania and the United States, the Pocono Mountains Economic Development Corporation is dedicated to maintaining an updated list of information to help our local businesses find what they need quickly and easily.
Applications for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) will begin Monday, May 3 at 12 p.m. EDT. The application portal will remain open to any eligible establishment until all funds are exhausted. Click here for more information and to apply: Restaurant Revitalization Fund (sba.gov)
SBA is currently offering PPP loans originated only by participating community financial institutions including Certified Development Companies (CDCs), SBA Microlenders, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), and Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) until May 31, 2021 or until remaining funds are exhausted. Please note that not all community financial institutions are participating in PPP.
For more information on SBA’s assistance to small businesses, visit sba.gov/ppp or treasury.gov/cares.
Effective Monday, May 31, 2021 at 12:01 AM, we are lifting COVID mitigation orders. The masking order will be lifted when 70% of Pennsylvania adults are fully vaccinated.
These updates will not prevent municipalities and school districts from continuing and implementing stricter mitigation efforts.
The Department of Health recommends that Pennsylvanians refer to CDC guidance and recommendations regarding ongoing COVID-19 safety measures and procedures. More information about this announcement.
Hospitality & Restaurant Worker Relief Fund. The goal is to financially support hospitality and restaurant employees across the four-county Pocono region who are out of work due to Pennsylvania’s new COVID-19 restrictions, which took effect December 12, 2020.
As an offshoot of Pocono Mountains United Way’s Crisis Response Fund, 100% of all donations will be utilized in the form of direct mini-grants to workers. Hospitality and restaurant employees across the Pocono Mountains can apply online for financial assistance. The application requires basic demographic information as well as a 2019 Tax Return and most recent paystub to determine income eligibility and verify recent employment. Applications will be approved on a first come first serve basis and mini-grants of $250 will be issued until funds are depleted.
In order to help as many people as possible, online contributions to the Hospitality & Restaurant Worker Relief Fund are greatly appreciated. Or, donors can mail contributions to Pocono Mountains United Way 301 McConnell Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 and include “Hospitality & Restaurant Worker Relief Fund” in the memo.
Attention all Monroe County, PA entrepreneurs and small business owners!
Join the University of Scranton Small Business Development Center for a LIVE Q&A on Thursday, 5/13/2021 between 10 a.m. to noon to talk about your small business questions during COVID-19.
Startup and existing business owners are welcome to join. Meet with a consultant to get information and advice as you navigate your small business through COVID-19. Register here: https://pasbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/27647
After you register, a representative will contact you to set up a time between 10am and noon on Thursday, May 13, 2021. We’re here to assist with questions about navigating COVID-19 concerns as you think about managing your small businesses.
MCSBGL is funded by a $250,000 Local Share Account (LSA) Grant that makes up to $50,000 available to small businesses in Monroe County who are looking to expand and create/retain jobs. The funds can be used for acquisition, construction, infrastructure/site preparation, machinery/equipment, working capital and related costs including but not limited to professional services, engineering, inspections, fees, insurance, environmental assessment, legal costs and closing costs.
Click here for the MCSBGL Program Guidelines Click here for the MCSBGL Program Application
The Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance is committed to working with regional small businesses and non-profits during the COVID-19 crisis. NEPA Alliance will continue to evaluate all available options to best serve the Northeastern Pennsylvania business community.
SBA is continues to accept applications for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL). The FACT SHEET was updated April 27, 2021 EIDL Fact Sheet
Click Here to apply: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/covid-19-relief-options/covid-19-economic-injury-disaster-loan