If you are looking for an area that can provide your business with a skilled available work force consider Monroe County, PA. Currently, our civilian laborforce is 82,400 people.
More importantly, the county is one of the few areas within Pennsylvania that has shown consistent increases in the number of young adults (ages 18 to 34) residing in the county. For companies seeking new workers this is a critical number.
With a high school graduation rate that exceeds the state and national averages and a higher than average educational attainment level, the work force here is ready-to-go. But if training is needed an extremely well developed system of on-the-job and classroom training is already in place to satisfy the most rigorous training needs.
Launched in July, 2012, PA CareerLink® is part of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s initiative to transform the landscape of how job-seekers find family sustaining jobs and how employers find the skilled candidates that they need. Through this initiative, a user-friendly, premiere job-matching system has been created to help bridge the gap that currently exists between job-seekers and employers. PA was the first state to integrate physical one stop centers with the virtual on-line system found at the PA CareerLink This system allows both employers and job seekers access to services 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
At PA CareerLink® Monroe County, you will find comprehensive employment and training services for both local and regional employers and residents. Job assessment and testing, On-the-Job training, employment counseling, and more. Job search workshops are offered and employers are assisted with employment screening, recruitment and anything else needed to secure a solid employee.
The professional staff is well trained and fully qualified to help match employees and employers for a long-lasting and fruitful relationship. Contact the center at (570) 620-2850 or visit their website at https://monroecountycareerlink.org